Wednesday, October 20, 2010


There are many aspects of design that I have not put a great deal of thought into until now. One thing is how much work can go into one little thing. Designers work hard to make even the smallest thing pop out at you and make you like their product without even knowing what it is. Many hours are put into the tiny detail that caused you to buy a certain product. Another aspect of design that you usually don't think about is simplicity. Items that you see can stand out due to how simple they are. Their example was Apple products. Apple products have a sleek, simple design that appeal to many different people around the globe. These products were made like this specifically to appeal to certain people and to catch everyone's eye. A final quality of design that I never thought too much about is how certain objects have lagged behind in some areas. Chairs are a good example because of how easy it is to find an uncomfortable chair. We have so many objects in our lives that are easy to use and are nice to use but then we find ourselves sitting in an uncomfortable chair that was not well designed. It's funny how advanced we can be in some aspects but behind in many others at the same time, despite how simple those items can be.

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